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Mini Nubian Dry Yearlings
Does Under 2 through October 1st 2021

Judge: Jena Williams

1st Place
Entry W

Ali Side.jpg

2nd Place
Entry X


3rd Place
Entry O

Autumn Blues (1).jpg

4th Place
Entry P


5th Place
Entry F


6th Place
Entry T

Calamity Jane (2).jpg

7th Place
Entry B

Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(1).jpg

8th Place
Entry K


9th Place
Entry Q


10th Place
Entry U

Sunrise creek penelope (3).jpeg

11th Place
Entry I

Space Girl (3).jpg

12th Place
Entry S

Special Day (4).jpg

13th Place
Entry V

Dixie (4).jpeg

14th Place

Entry L

Adalind schade (1).jpeg

15th Place
Entry J

Belle Of the Ball (3).jpg

16th Place
Entry G


17th Place
Entry A

Daisey Mae (1).jpg

18th Place

Entry M


19th Place
Entry H

Twin Bridges Gracie (2).JPG

20th Place
Entry D

Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (1).jpg

21st Place
Entry N

Gingersnap (1).jpeg

22nd Place
Entry Y


23rd Place
Entry R

Bugzy (3).JPG

24th Place
Entry E

Hillview Farm Morning Glory (1).jpeg

25th Place
Entry C

Magnolia Main Penelope (1).jpg

W places over X in topline being more smoothly blended from neck into shoulder and in body capacity being wider in the chest floor.

X places over O in dairy character being longer of bone pattern, and in general appearance being more level of rump from hips to pins

O places over P in breed character having more pendulous ears

P places over F in general appearance with front toes being more correctly pointed forward.

F places over T in dairyness being longer in neck and more open of frame

T places over B in general appearance with front legs more correctly pointing forward

B places over K in dairyness having more spring of rib


K places over Q in dairyness having a long bone pattern, and in general appearance being more uphill in topline.

Q places over U in general appearance being stronger in topline in the area of the chine and in body capacity being wider in the chest
U places over I for feet more correctly pointing forward

I places over S in general appearance being more smoothly blended from neck into shoulder and in rear leg assembly being more angulated in the hock

S places over V in general appearance with front legs more correctly pointing forward

V places over L in general appearance having a more level rump from hips to pins

L places over J in general appearance being longer of neck and feet pointing more directly forward

J places over G in dairyness being longer and more open of bone pattern.

G places over A in general appearance having a more level rump from hips to pins

A places over M in body capacity being wider of chest

M places over H in dairyness being taller at the wither than the hips and in general appearance being more smoothly blended neck into shoulder

H places over in dairyness having greater spring of rib

D places over N in general appearance being stronger in topline and straighter in back

N places over Y in general appearance having more correct angulation of shoulder in the front end assembly

Y places over R in general appearance being longer of neck, stronger of topline and more smoothly blended neck into shoulder

R places over E in body capacity being wider in chest

E places over C in general appearance with feet pointing more correctly forward.

Judge: April Hitch

1st Place
Entry W

Ali Side.jpg

2nd Place
Entry K


3rd Place
Entry F


4th Place
Entry G


5th Place
Entry B

Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(1).jpg

6th Place
Entry I

Space Girl (3).jpg

7th Place
Entry J

Belle Of the Ball (3).jpg

8th Place
Entry N

Gingersnap (1).jpeg

9th Place
Entry Q


10th Place
Entry P


11th Place
Entry E

Hillview Farm Morning Glory (1).jpeg

12th Plac
Entry D

Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (1).jpg

13th Place
Entry H

Twin Bridges Gracie (2).JPG

14th Place
Entry A

Daisey Mae (1).jpg

15th Place
Entry O

Autumn Blues (1).jpg

16th Place
Entry Y


17th Place
Entry X


18th Place
Entry T

Calamity Jane (2).jpg

19th Place

Entry M


20th Place
Entry C

Magnolia Main Penelope (1).jpg

21st Place
Entry R

Bugzy (3).JPG

22nd Place
Entry S

Special Day (4).jpg

23rd Place

Entry L

Adalind schade (1).jpeg

24th Place
Entry V

Dixie (4).jpeg

25th Place
Entry U

Sunrise creek penelope (3).jpeg

Final Placings: W-K-F-G-B-I-J-N-Q-P-E-D-H-A-O-Y-X-T-M-C-R-S-L-V-U

W is placing over K for her advantage in general appearance, having the most correct front end assembly, as well as being straighter is her foreleg

K is going over F for general appearance, being more nearly level over her topline, particularly in the area of her rump.

F excels G in dairy strength, being sharper in her withers, and having a longer, leaner neck.

G has the advantage over B in general appearance, being leveler over her topline, especially from her hips to her pins, and having a more correct set of rear legs when viewed from the side.

B is going over I in her turn, for general appearance, having a more correct set of legs, being more correct in angulation to her rear legs and wider in the escutcheon. 

I is placing over J for dairy strength. She is a doe that is cleaner about her neck and sharper in the withers.

J excels N, in general appearance, being leveler over topline, showing more strength to her chine.

N placing over Q, in her turn, for dairy strength, having a longer, flatter bone pattern and sharper in her withers.

Q has the advantage over P in body capacity. She is a doe that is deeper in both her heart girth and barrel.

P is going over E for general appearance, standing on a stronger set of feet and legs, as well as a more proper set to the rear leg when viewed from the side.

E excels D in dairy strength, being sharper in her withers, having a more incurving thigh, and a longer, leaner neck.

D is placing over H for her advantage in general appearance, showing a more correct front end assembly, blending smoother from the neck into her withers, as well as a more correct set of rear legs.

H is going over A for body capacity. She is a doe that is deeper in her heart girth, as well as deeper in her barrel.

A excels O in general appearance, being leveler over her topline.

O has the advantage over Y in general appearance, having a more correct set of rear legs.

Y is placing over X for general appearance, having a more correct front assembly, being tighter at her point of elbow and point of shoulder.

X has the advantage over T for general appearance, being longer bodied and leveler over her topline.

T is going over M, in her turn, for general appearance, being leveler from hips to pins and more angulation to her rear legs.

M excels C in body capacity, having more width to her chest and more spring to her ribbing. 

C is placing over R for her advantage in dairy strength, being sharper in her withers and more open in her ribbing.

R is going over S in general appearance, having more angulation to her rear leg and standing on a stronger set of pasterns. 

S has the advantage over L for general appearance, having a stronger topline and a more proper set of rear legs when viewed from the side.

L excels V in general appearance, being stronger on her pasterns, both from and rear.

V is placing over U for her advantage in general appearance, being leveler over her topline, stronger in her chine, and more level from hips to pins.

U should be commended for her depth of body.

Entry A
DOB: 1/17/2021
Generation: 1 

Daisey Mae (1).jpg
Daisey Mae (4).jpg
Daisey Mae (3).jpg
Daisey Mae (2).jpg

Entry B
DOB: 12/1/2020
Generation: 1

Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(1).jpg
Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(4).jpg
Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(3).jpg
Kessel Run JJ Mocha latte(2).jpg

Entry C
DOB: 5/8/2020
Generation: 4

Magnolia Main Penelope (1).jpg
Magnolia Main Penelope (2).jpg
Magnolia Main Penelope (4).jpg
Magnolia Main Penelope (3).jpg

Entry D
DOB: 7/7/2020
Generation: 7

Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (1).jpg
Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (2).jpg
Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (3).jpg
Ivy Acres Z Pebbles (4).jpg

Entry E
DOB: 3/21/2020
Generation: 4

Hillview Farm Morning Glory (1).jpeg
Hillview Farm Morning Glory (4).jpeg
Hillview Farm Morning Glory (3).jpeg
Hillview Farm Morning Glory (2).jpeg

Entry F
DOB: 1/7/2020
Generation: 5


Entry G
DOB: 3/19/2020
Generation: 1


Entry H
DOB: 3/3/2020
Generation: 2

Twin Bridges Gracie (2).JPG
Twin Bridges Gracie (1).JPG
Twin Bridges Gracie (4).JPG
Twin Bridges Gracie (3).JPG

Entry I
DOB: 7/20/2020
Generation: 5

Space Girl (3).jpg
Space Girl (2).jpg
Space Girl (4).jpg
Space Girl (1).jpg

Entry J
DOB: 7/20/2020
Generation: 5

Belle Of the Ball (3).jpg
Belle Of the Ball (1).jpg
Belle Of the Ball (4).jpg
Belle Of the Ball (2).jpg

Entry K
DOB: 4/14/2020
Generation: 4


Entry L
DOB: 4/22/2020
Generation: 2

Adalind schade (1).jpeg
Adalind schade (2).jpeg
Adalind schade (4).jpeg
Adalind schade (3).jpeg

Entry M
DOB: 4/13/2020
Generation: 3


Entry N
DOB: 12/27/2020
Generation: 3

Gingersnap (1).jpeg
Gingersnap (4).jpeg
Gingersnap (2).jpeg
Gingersnap (3).jpeg

Entry O
DOB: 2/3/2020
Generation: 6

Autumn Blues (1).jpg
Autumn Blues (2).jpg
Autumn Blues (4).jpg

Entry P
DOB: 6/9/2020
Generation: 2


Entry Q
DOB: 6/15/2020
Generation: 3


Entry R
DOB: 1/25/2020
Generation: 0

Bugzy (3).JPG
Bugzy (2).JPG
Bugzy (1).JPG
Bugzy (4).JPG

Entry S
DOB: 7/9/2020
Generation: 3

Special Day (4).jpg
Special Day (3).jpg
Special Day (1).jpg
Special Day (2).jpg

Entry T
DOB: 3/30/2020
Generation: 7

Calamity Jane (2).jpg
Calamity Jane (1).jpg
Calamity Jane (4).jpg
Calamity Jane (3).jpg

Entry U
DOB: 5/9/2020
Generation: 1

Sunrise creek penelope (3).jpeg
Sunrise creek penelope (2).jpeg
Sunrise creek penelope (4).jpeg
Sunrise creek penelope (1).jpeg

Entry V
DOB: 5/9/2020
Generation: 1

Dixie (4).jpeg
Dixie (3).jpeg
Dixie (1).jpeg
Dixie (2).jpeg

Entry W
DOB: 4/18/2020
Generation: 1

Ali Side.jpg
Ali Front!.jpg
Ali Top.jpg
Ali Rear 2.jpg

Entry X
DOB: 5/30/2020


Entry Y
Generation: 2
DOB: 3/27/2020

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