MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Best Senior Doe In Show
Judge: April Hitch
Best Senior Doe in Show
Miniature LaMancha Doe (5 Year and Over)
For my selection of best senior doe in show, I am going to go with my grand champion Miniature LaMancha doe in the 5 Year and Over class. She excels her closest competition, the grand champion Mini Nubian, in the mammary system. She is a doe that blends more smoothly in her fore udder and is showing a stronger medial suspensory ligament. She also has an advantage in body capacity, being deeper in her barrel and having more spring of rib. She excels the Miniature Alpine in the AOM breed, in general appearance, standing on a more correct set of legs, having less tendency to hock in. She, as well, has the advantage in the mammary system, showing a balance between the â…“. â…“, and â…“ when viewed from the side.
Best Udder in Show
Miniature LaMancha Doe (5 Year and Over)
For my selection of Best Udder in Show, I am going to go with my best doe in show, the Miniature LaMancha doe. She excels her closest competition, the Miniature Nubian doe, in her fore udder, blending more smoothly into the body wall, as well as showing a stronger medial suspensory ligament. She also has the advantage, when viewed from the side, in her â…“, â…“, and â…“, having less tendency to show more mammary in the fore. She excels the rest of the lineup in capacity of the mammary system, as well as having stronger lateral attachments and more width to her rear udder.
Best Doe In Show/ Best Udder in Show
Mtn Lodge FO Evora
Sire: Mtn Lodge GR Forest
Dam: Mtn Lodge BO Stella
Breeder: Sherwin Ferguson
Owner: Wendy Berg
GCH Mini Nubian
1st Place 3 & Under 4
Entry D
Freshened: 2/28/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 1
GCH Mini Lamancha
1st Place 5 & Over
Entry B
Freshened: 3/17/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 1
Age: 5 years
1st Place 4 Year Old
Entry A
Generation: 1
Freshened: 5/2/2021
Freshenings: 2
Mini Alpine