MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
AOM Senior Doe Champion Lineup
Judge: April Hitch
Grand Champion AOM: A- FIrst Place 4 and Under 5 year old
My grand champion doe is going to be my first place doe from my 4 and under 5 year old class. I feel that she is a doe that excels the remainder of the lineup in her mammary system. She is a doe that has more capacity to her mammary and extension to her fore udder. She also shows greater body capacity, being deeper in the barrel, which extends back into her fore udder.
Reserve Grand AOM: C- Second Place 4 and Under 5
My reserve grand champion is going to be my second place doe from the same class that my grand champion came out of. I feel that she excels the lineup in the mammary system, having more height ot her rear udder, as well as having the advantage in general appearance. She is standing on a stronger set of feet and legs, particularly in her pasterns and having less tendency to hock in.
Grand Champion/Best Udder Of Breed
Creekside FS Arwen
Sire: ​FCH VCH Sunspring's S Simba
Dam: Creekside FS Annie Oakley
Owner: Karen P Smith
Breeder:Megan E Lamb
Reserve Champion
No Empty Acres Tiny Dancer Maya
Sire: Cherry Butte Dirty Dancing
Dam: Okanogan Oberhaslis Pirouette
Owner: Melissa Sargent
Breeder:Julie Jarvis
1st Place Yearling Milker
Entry A
Generation: 4
Freshened: 4/4/2021
Mini Alpine
1st Place 2 Year Old
Entry B
Generation: 1
Freshened: 1/14/2021
Freshenings: 1
Mini Alpine
1st Place 3 year old
Entry A
Generation: 1
Freshened: 3/3/2021
Freshenings: 2
Mini Alpine
1st Place 4 Year Old
Entry A
Generation: 1
Freshened: 5/2/2021
Freshenings: 2
Mini Alpine
1st Place 5 & Over
Entry A
Generation: 3
Freshenings: 7
Mini Alpine
8 Years
2nd Place Lineup
2nd Place 2 Year Old
Entry A
Generation: 1
Freshened: 12/23/2020
Freshenings: 1
Mini Alpine
2nd Place 3 Year Old
Entry C
Generation: 1
Freshened: 2/2/2020
Freshenings: 1
Mini Alpine
2nd Place 4 Year Old
Entry C
Generation: 1
Freshened: 7/29/2021
Freshenings: 1
Mini Oberhasli
2nd Place 5 & Over
Entry B
Generation: 2
Freshened: 8/3/2021
Freshening: 4
Mini Alpine
6 Years