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Mini Nubian Junior Bucks
Listed in order by age

Mini Nubian Junior kids:
Born on/after April, 1st 2021
Judge: April Hitch
Judge: Jena Williams

1st Place
Entry B

Marek (3).jpeg

2nd Place
Entry A

Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (3).jpg

B places over A in dairyness being longer and more open of frame, and in body capacity being wider in the chest floor

A is to be commended for his straightness of back from wither to hip

1st Place
Entry B

Marek (3).jpeg

2nd Place
Entry A

Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (3).jpg

B is placing over A for his advantage in general appearance, he is leveler over the topline, more correct in his rear leg set when viewed from the side

A should be commended for his dairy strength

Entry A
Generation: 3

Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (3).jpg
Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (1).jpg
Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (2).jpg
Frogtown Cedars SH Startdust (4).jpg

Entry B
Generation: 7

Marek (3).jpeg
Marek (1).jpg
Marek (1).jpeg
Marek (2).jpeg
Mini Nubian Intermediate kids:
Born March 1- March 31, 2021
Judge: April Hitch
Judge: Jena Williams

1st Place
Entry C

Lindor (4).jpg

2nd Place
Entry B

Pillar (1).jpg

3rd Place
Entry A


4th Place
Entry F

Stud Muffin (1).jpg

5th Place
Entry D


6th Place
Entry E


C places over Bin general appearance for levelness of rump from hips to pins and smoothness of blending throughout

B places over A in feet and legs with front legs set more squarely under the chest, and in general appearance in front end assembly hold the elbows more tightly against the body wall

A places over F in general appearance being stronger in pasterns on the front legs, and in body capacity being wider in the chest.

F places over D in general appearance in topline being taller at the wither than the hips

D places over E in general appearance in feet and legs with straighter front legs when viewed from the front and rear legs pointing more directly forward, and in topline being longer in the rump from hips to pins.

E is to be commended for his length of body

1st Place
Entry C

Lindor (4).jpg

2nd Place
Entry A


3rd Place
Entry F

Stud Muffin (1).jpg

4th Place
Entry B

Pillar (1).jpg

5th Place
Entry D


6th Place
Entry E


C is placing over A for his advantage in general appearance, he is level over the topline and more correct in his front end assembly

A is going over F for his advantage in general appearance, feet and legs, with greater strength to the pasterns

F is placing over B for his advantage in body capacity, having more depth in the barrel and spring of rib

B is going over D for his advantage in general appearance, levelness over the hips

D is placing over E for his advantage in body capacity, being deeper in the heart girth and having more spring of rib

E should be commended for his sharpness in the withers

Entry A
Generation: 4


Entry B
Generation: 3

Pillar (1).jpg
Pillar (2).jpg
Pillar (5).jpg
Pillar (4).jpg

Entry C
Generation: 1

Lindor (4).jpg
Lindor (3).jpg
Lindor (2).jpg
Lindor (1).jpg

Entry D
Generation: 6


Entry E
Generation: 5


Entry F
Generation: 5

Stud Muffin (1).jpg
Stud Muffin (4).jpg
Stud Muffin (3).jpg
Stud Muffin (2).jpg
Mini Nubian Senior Kids
Born January 1- February 28, 2021
Judge: Jena Williams

1st Place
Entry G

Rhett Side.jpg

2nd Place
Entry F

Hans Solo (3).jpg

3rd Place
Entry E

Secret Ran-Di-Vu (3).jpeg

4th Place
Entry H

Edenslilly Poplars Walter (2).jpeg

5th Place
Entry B

Haze Sid.JPG

6th Place
Entry D

Dynamic Dynamo (3).jpeg

7th Place
Entry C


8th Place
Entry A

SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (3).jpg

G places over F in dairyness being longer bodies and in general appearance being proportionally longer of rump from hip to pins when viewed from the side.

F places over E in general appearance being  stronger and straighter of topline and more uphill from hips to wither and in front end assembly being stronger and deeper of fore chest and brisket supporting the elbow more tightly against the body wall.

E places over H in dairyness being longer bodied and more open of frame.

H places over Bin feet and legs, with front feet pointing more correctly forward, and strength of rear pasterns.

B places over D in general appearance in feet and legs with front feet set more squarely under his chest

D places over C in general appearance with rear legs pointing more directly forward when viewed from front and rear and with tighter front toes

C places over A in general appearance with front legs set more squarely under the chest and toes pointing more directly forward and in topline being more level from hips to pins.

A is to be commended for his angularity of shoulder assembly.

Judge: April Hitch

1st Place
Entry F

Hans Solo (3).jpg

2nd Place
Entry D

Dynamic Dynamo (3).jpeg

3rd Place
Entry E

Secret Ran-Di-Vu (3).jpeg

4th Place
Entry G

Rhett Side.jpg

5th Place
Entry H

Edenslilly Poplars Walter (2).jpeg

6th Place
Entry C


7th Place
Entry B

Haze Sid.JPG

8th Place
Entry A

SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (3).jpg

F is going over D for his advantage in general appearance, feet and legs, straighter, more correct front legs

D is placing over E for his advantage in general appearance, being leveler over the topline

E is placing over G for his advantage in general appearance,  strength of pasterns

G is going over H for his advantage in dairy strength, being longer bodied and sharper in the withers

H is placing over C for his advantage in general appearance, rear leg set

C is placing over B for his advantage in body capacity, depth of barrel and spring of rib

B is placing over A for his advantage in general appearance, leveler over the topline and rump

A should be commended for his depth of barrel

Entry A
Generation: 5

SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (3).jpg
SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (1).jpg
SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (4).jpg
SizeMatter's SGL Johnny Cash Sr kid buck (2).jpg

Entry B
Generation: 6

Haze Sid.JPG

Entry C
Generation: 4


Entry D
Generation: 2

Dynamic Dynamo (3).jpeg
Dynamic Dynamo (4).jpeg
Dynamic Dynamo (1).jpeg
Dynamic Dynamo (2).jpeg

Entry E
Generation: 1

Secret Ran-Di-Vu (3).jpeg
Secret Ran-Di-Vu (1).jpeg
Secret Ran-Di-Vu (5).jpeg
Secret Ran-Di-Vu (2).jpeg

Entry F
Generation: 2

Hans Solo (3).jpg
Hans Solo (4).jpg
Hans Solo (1).jpg
Hans Solo (2).jpg

Entry G
Generation: 6

Rhett Side.jpg
Rhett Front.jpg
rhett Top.jpg
Rhett Reat.jpg

Entry H
Generation: 1

Edenslilly Poplars Walter (2).jpeg
Edenslilly Poplars Walter (3).jpeg
Edenslilly Poplars Walter (4).jpeg
Edenslilly Poplars Walter (1).jpeg
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