MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Best Junior Doe In Show
Judge: April Hitch
Best Junior Doe in Show
When looking through the BIS lineup, there are lovely representations of each breed, but I think it comes down to the Mini LaMancha and Mini Nubian. When looking at these two does, the one that excels in general appearance, having the most correct levelness to the topline, the proper set to her rear legs, as well as a beautiful angulation to her ribs, is our junior champion Mini LaMancha grand champion, which was our first place intermediate kid. She will be our Best Junior Doe in Show.
Best Junior Doe In Show

Wings & Caprines KP Kipper
Dam: Wings & Caprines Hester Prynne
Breeder: Carla Kirby
Owner: Carla Josie & Family Kirby
GCH Mini Lamancha
1st Place Intermediate Kid
Entry H
Generation: 1

GCH Mini Nubian
1st Place Yearling
Entry W
DOB: 4/18/2020
Generation: 1

1st Place Intermediate kid
Entry A
Generation: 2
Mini Alpine