MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Lamancha Senior Doe Champion Lineup
Judge: April Hitch
Grand Champion Mini LaMancha is going to be my first place doe in the 5 and Over Class (B). I feel that this doe has the advantage in general appearance, being the most nearly level over her topline, the strongest set of feet and legs, as well as having a very well attached mammary system, while still being open and angular throughout.
Reserve Champion Mini LaMancha is going to be the first place doe from two and under three (F). I feel that this doe excels the rest of the lineup, following most closely in the pattern of my grand champion doe, in her general appearance. Being very level and uphill, as well as having a lovely mammary system, while being very open and angular.
Grand Champion/Best Udder Of Breed
Mtn Lodge FO Evora
Sire: Mtn Lodge GR Forest
Dam: Mtn Lodge BO Stella
Breeder: Sherwin Ferguson
Owner: Wendy Berg
Reserve Champion

Wings & Caprines Shortcake
Sire: Kopy Kat MML Bold Legacy
Dam: Wings & Caprines BH Strawberry
Breeder: Carla Kirby
Owner: Carla, Josie & Family Kirby
1st Place Yearling Milker
Entry A
Freshened: 4/27/2021
Generation: 1

2nd Place Yearling Milker
Entry D
Freshened: 4/3/2021
Generation: 1

1st Place 2 Year Old
Entry F
Freshened: 4/20/2021
Generation: 1
Freshenings: 1
1st Place 3 Year Old
Entry C
Freshened: 3/10/2021
Generation: 1

1st Place 5 & Over
Entry B
Freshened: 3/17/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 1
Age: 5 years
2nd Place Lineup
2nd Place Yearling Milker
Entry D
Freshened: 4/3/2021
Generation: 1

2nd Place 2 Year Old
Entry C
Freshened: 4/11/2021
Generation: 2
Freshenings: 1
2nd Place 3 Year Old
Entry B
Freshened: 3/24/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 2

2nd Place 5 & Over
Entry A
Freshened: 3/24/2021
Freshenings: Unknown
Generation: 3
Age:8 Years