MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Best Senior Doe In Show
Judge: Jena Williams
Best senior doe – Mini LaMancha 2 year old entry C: excels our mini Nubian in a close placing but our LaMancha has more dairy character with more spring of rib and in body capacity deep and long in the barrel. Our LaMancha also excels the AOM winner in mammary with a wider rear udder arch, being more uniformly wide from top of rear udder to udder floor, and better teat placement.
Best Udder - Mini LaMancha 2 year old entry C
Best Senior Doe In Show/ Best Udder In Show
Buck Creeks XG Gidget
Sire: Buck Creeks NX Xolan
Dam: Noel's Farm GL Gabby *P
Breeder: Shirley Daniels
Owner: Shirley Daniels
1st Place 2 & Under 3
Entry C
Freshenings: 1
Generation: 6

1st Place 2 Year Old
Entry C
Freshened: 4/11/2021
Generation: 2
Freshenings: 1
1st Place 4 Year Old
Entry C
Generation: 1
Freshened: 7/29/2021
Freshenings: 1
Mini Oberhasli