MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Nubian Senior Buck Champion Lineup
Judge: April Hitch
For grand champion mini Nubian bucks, I am going to go well my first place aged buck (D), he has the advantage today in general appearance, as well as body capacity and dairy strength
Reserve Grand: The buck that follows most closely is going to be my 3 yr old (B). Another buck that is showing us tremendous depth of body as well as general appearance and body capacity.
Grand Champion

Edens Lilly Blue Camembert
Sire: Short on Heaven Blue Noah
Dam: EdensLilly Blue Ziffendale
Breeder/Owner: Nicole Sosebee
Reserve Champion
Green Gables RB Jack Jack
Sire: Green Gables GS Remember the Battle *B
Dam: Silver Creek CM Coconut
Breeder: Eliya Elmquist
Owner: Annette Derer
1st Place Yearling
Entry D

2nd Place 2 Year Old
Entry A

1st Place 3 Year Old
Entry B
1st Place 5 & Over
Entry D

2nd Place Lineup
2nd Place Yearling Buck
Entry E

2nd Place 2 year old
Entry B

2nd Place 3 year Old
Entry A
2nd Place 5 & Over
Entry B