MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Nubian Intermediate Kids
Kids Born March 1- March 31, 2021
Judge: Jena Williams
1st Place
Entry N

2nd Place
Entry I

3rd Place
Entry D

4th Place
Entry F

5th Place
Entry E

6th Place
Entry C

7th Place
Entry A
8th Place
Entry M
9th Place
Entry H

10th Place
Entry L

11th Place
Entry G
12th Place
Entry J
13th Place
Entry K
14th Place
Entry B
N places over I in general appearance for strength and smoothness in the front end assembly, and in dairyness for length of bone pattern
I places over D in general appearance with front feet pointing more forward when viewed from the front.
D places over F in general appearance being more uphill of topline, and in body capacity being deeper and longer of barrel
F places over E general appearance being longer of neck, longer in back, stronger in the area of the chine, and more level in rump from hips to pins.
E places over C in general appearance with front feet pointing more correctly forward
C places over A in dairyness with greater spring of rib and dairy wedge when viewed from the side
A places over M in her turn in dairyness form being more open and of longer bone pattern
M places over H in general appearance for her feet pointing more correctly forward
H places over L in dairyness being more open and longer of bone pattern
L places over G in general appearance for strength of topline being more straight and uphill from hip to wither and more smoothly blended from neck into shoulder
G places over J in general appearance for rear legs more straight when viewed from behind with less turn in at the hocks
J places over K in dairyness being of longer more open bone pattern
K places over B in general appearance for more level rump from hips to pins and more proportionate and angulated rear legs
Judge: April Hitch
1st Place
Entry N

2nd Place
Entry C

3rd Place
Entry I

4th Place
Entry H

5th Place
Entry F

6th Place
Entry D

7th Place
Entry M
8th Place
Entry A
9th Place
Entry E

10th Place
Entry L

11th Place
Entry B
12th Place
Entry J
13th Place
Entry G
14th Place
Entry K
N is going over C for her advantage in general appearance, being longer boned and more upstanding in her front end. She also excels in the rear leg set, being wider in the escutcheon.
C has the advantage over I in general appearance, blending more smoothly from her neck into her withers and also being more level over her rump, especially from her hips to her pins.
I excels H in body capacity, having more depth to her barrel and more spring to her ribbing.
H is going over F in general appearance, being leveler from thurl to thurl and straighter in her fore leg.
F has the advantage over D in general appearance, being a longer bodied doe. She also excels in body capacity, showing more width to her chest.
D is placing over M, in her turn, for dairy strength, being sharper in the withers and more angular throughout.
M is going over A for her advantage in general appearance, being leveler over her rump and smoother blending in her front end assembly. She also excels in body capacity, having more depth to her barrel.
A excels E in dairy strength, being sharper in her withers and cleaner in her neck.
E is going over L, for her advantage in general appearance, showing a more correct set of rear legs, as well as dairy strength, being sharper in her withers and more incurving in her thighs.
L is placing over B for general appearance, having a stronger set of pasterns, both front and rear and being wider in her escutcheon.
B excels J in general appearance, being a doe that is leveler over topline, particularly in her loin and stands more uphill.
J has the advantage over G, in general appearance, having a more appropriate slope to her rump.
G is going over K, for her advantage in dairy strength, having a longer, leaner neck and sharper withers.
K should be commended for her depth of barrel.
Entry A
Generation: 1
DOB: 3/27/2021
Entry B
Generation: 6
DOB: 3/1/2021
Entry C
Generation: 3
DOB: 3/24/2021

Entry D
Generation: 2
DOB: 3/27/2021

Entry E
Generation: 4
DOB: 3/29/2021

Entry F
Generation: 3
DOB: 3/25/2021

Entry G
Generation: 6
DOB: 3/11/2021
Entry H
Generation: 4
DOB: 3/16/2021

Entry I
Generation: 4
DOB: 3/30/2021

Entry J
Generation: 6
DOB: 3/10/2021
Entry K
Generation: 6
DOB: 3/10/2021
Entry L
Generation: 3
DOB: 3/10/2021

Entry M
Generation: 6
DOB: 3/14/2021
Entry N
Generation: 4
DOB: 3/15/2021