MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Nubian Senior Does 3 & Under 4
Judge: Jena Williams
1st Place/1st Udder
Entry D
2nd Place
Entry F
3rd Place
Entry C
4th Place
Entry H
5th Place
Entry E
6th Place
Entry B
7th Place
Entry A
8th Place
Entry G
D places over F in mammary being wider in the rear udder and more capacious in proportion to her size;
and in general appearance being more smoothly blended from neck into shoulder assembly. 1st place
F places over C in mammary system being higher in the rear udder; and in Dairy Character being longer
of body and overall bone pattern. She will grant breed character in the ears to C.
C places over H in mammary system being higher, wider through the escutcheon and more capacious in
rear udder. In general appearance C is more smoothly blended neck into should assembly.
H places over E in general appearance being more straight in the foreleg when viewed from the side and
in body capacity having greater depth into the rear barrel.
E places over B in general appearance being longer and stronger in the topline, and more uphill from
hips to withers and more level in the rump from hips to pins. And in Mammary being more capacious in
the fore udder.
B places over A for greater evidence of productivity in the mammary today and in body capacity being
deeper into the rear barrel.
A places over G in general appearance being more correct in the shoulder assembly, with shoulder blades held more tightly again the wither and in the area of the crops; and in topline being more straight in the back and uphill from hips to wither. A will grant capacity of mammary to G
G is to be commended on a balanced mammary that is smoothly blended fore and rear.
Judge: April Hitch
1st Place/1st Udder
Entry D
2nd Place
Entry C
3rd Place
Entry G
4th Place
Entry E
5th Place
Entry H
6th Place
Entry F
7th Place
Entry B
8th Place
Entry A
Final Placings: D-C-G-E-H-F-B-A
First place udder: D
D is going over C for her advantage in the mammary system. She has a longer, smoother fore udder and a wider rear udder, with more lateral attachments. She also excels in dairy strength, being longer and leaner in her neck, and showing a flatter bone pattern throughout.
C is placing over G for her advantage is the mammary system. She is showing more capacity within that mammary and a more correct teat placement along the udder floor. C is also going over G, as she excels In body capacity, being deeper in the barrel and having more spring of rib.
G excels over E for her mammary system, having a stronger rear udder attachment and more length of her fore udder. She also has the advantage in general appearance, showing less tendency to bow on her front legs, as well as standing on a stronger set of rear pasterns.
E is going over H, for a dairy strength placing. She is showing more sharpness of her withers and carrying less excess fleshing, She also has an advantage in general appearance, being more nearly level over her topline.
H is placing over F for her advantage in body capacity, being deeper in her chest floor, back into her barrel. She is a doe that is showing more spring of rib. She also excels in general appearance, having a stronger set of both fore and rear pasterns.
F is going over B for her advantage in the mammary, having more strength of lateral attachments and a more nearly ideal teat size.
B is placing over A, as she excels in body capacity, being deeper in her heart girth, and having more spring to her ribbing. She also has an advantage in dairy strength, being sharper in her withers and more open in her ribbing.
A should be commended for her extension of brisket.
Entry A
Generation: 7
Entry B
Freshened: 3/11/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 5

Entry C
Freshened: 2/16/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 3
Entry D
Freshened: 2/28/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 1
Entry E
Freshened: 1/28/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 1
Entry F
Freshened: 5/17/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 1
Entry G
Freshened: 2/15/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 2
Entry H
Freshened: 2/1/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 2