MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
AOM Buck Champion Lineup
Judge: Jena Williams
Grand Champion – Senior kid entry A excels our junior kid in body capacity with depth in the heart and length of barrel; excels our yearling in front end assembly with more appropriate angulation on shoulder and fore legs set more correctly on the wither and elbow held more tightly against the body wall; and excels our aged buck in feet and legs with toes pointing more correctly forward
Reserve Junior buck entry C
Grand Champion
Tribble Hill CH Jafar
Sire: Double Durango Captain Hook
Dam: Puckett's pbf jennie 2*M
Breeder: William Riley
Owner: Kayla Simpson
Reserve Champion
AC FArm's Thors Boogie Night
Sire: Ludwig's Mohawk Thor
Dam: No Empty Acres Tiny Dancer Maya Breeder: Julie Jarvis
Owner: Melissa Sargent
1st Place Junior Kid
Entry C
1st Place Senior Kid
Entry A
1st Place Yearling
Entry A
1st Place 5 & Over
Entry A
2nd Place Lineup
2nd Place Junior Kid
Entry B
2nd Place Yearling
Entry B
Entry B
Generation: 1
5 Years
Mini Oberhasli