MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Nubian Senior Does 4 & Under 5
Judge: Jena Williams
1st Place
Entry A
2nd Place/1st udder
Entry C
3rd Place
Entry B
4th Place
Entry D
A places over C in dairyness being longer of neck and bone pattern; in breed character being more
correct in ear and nose; and in general appearance with a greater strength of brisket in her front end
C places over B in mammary being more higher and wider in the rear udder and more capacious both
fore and rear. C also excels B in general appearance being longer in the back. 1st place udder
B places over D in mammary being higher, wider, and fuller into the escutcheon arch in the rear udder,
and in general appearance being more smoothly blended neck into shoulders.
D is to be commended on her breed character in both nose and ears as well as straightness of foreleg
when viewed from the side.
Judge: April Hitch
1st Place/1st udder
Entry C
2nd Place
Entry B
3rd Place
Entry A
4th Place
Entry D
Final Placings: C-B-A-D
First place udder: C
C is placing over B for her advantage in general appearance. She is a doe that is showing more levelness over her topline, and having a more correct front end assembly than B. She also excels in mammary system, having more height and width to the rear udder, as well as capacity.
B excels over A, in her turn, for general appearance, standing on a stronger set of feet and legs, as well as a more correct slope to her rumps. B also has the advantage in her mammary system, having more capacity and extension to her fore udder.
A is placing over the doe at the end of the class, D, for her advantage in mammary system, being more correct in her rear udder attachment and a more idea teat placement, setting more pump on her udder floor.
D must be commended on her body capacity.
Entry A
Freshened: 5/10/2021
Generation: 2
Entry B
Freshened: 4/28/2021
Generation: 1
Entry C
Freshened: 2/28/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 3
Entry D
Freshened: 3/16/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 3