MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Lamancha Senior Does: 3 & Under 4
Judge: Jena Williams
1st Place/1st Udder
Entry C

2nd Place
Entry B

3rd Place
Entry A
4th Place
Entry F
4th Place
Entry D
6th Place
Entry E
C places over B in breed character having more correct LaMancha type ears; and in mammary being more smoothly blended in the fore udder. 1st place udder
B places over A in dairy character having a longer bone pattern notably in the neck and length of rump. And in general appearance being more level in the rump from hips to pins and more correctly angulated in the rear leg.
A places over F in general appearance with front legs straighter when viewed from the front and in mammary she carries her mammary higher and more snugly attached to the body.
F places over D in Dairy character having greater strength of bone and dairy wedge when viewed from the side and in body capacity having greater depth into the rear barrel.
D places over E in mammary showing more evidence of productivity today, and in general appearance being straighter in the back and more level in the rump from hips to pins.
E is to be commended from her depth of body and spring of rib.
Judge: April Hitch
1st Place/1st Udder
Entry C

2nd Place
Entry B

3rd Place
Entry D
4th Place
Entry F
5th Place
Entry A
6th Place
Entry E
FInal Placings: C-B-D-F-A-E
First Udder: C
Starting this class with a doe, C, that excels the doe placed directly behind her, B, in general appearance. She is a doe that is leveler from thurl to thurl and stronger on her rear pasterns. She also has an advantage in the mammary system, showing more extension to her fore udder and more desirable shape and size of teats.
B is going over D, in her turn, for general appearance, standing on a stronger set of front legs, having less tendency to bow at the knees, as well as standing on a stronger set of pasterns. B also excels D in body capacity, being deeper in her heart girth, carrying that depth back into her rear flank.
D is placing over F, for her advantage in the mammary system. Showing more extension to her fore udder and more correct placement of teats on the udder floor.
F excels A in body capacity, having more spring to her ribbing and depth in the barrel. She also has the advantage in the mammary system, having more capacity and a stronger medial.
A over E, in her turn, for the mammary system, showing more height and width to her rear udder, as well as a more desirable teat size. She also has an advantage in body capacity, having more spring of rib and width in her chest floor.
E must be commended for her long, lean neck.
Entry A
Freshened: 2/16/2021
Freshenings: 2
Entry B
Freshened: 3/24/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 2

Entry C
Freshened: 3/10/2021
Generation: 1

Entry D
Freshened: 3/18/2021
Freshenings: 3
Generation: 1
Entry E
Freshened: 2/26/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 3
Entry F
Freshened: 5/14/2021
Freshenings: 2
Generation: 3