MDGA V-Show Fall 2021
Mini Lamancha Junior Kids:
Born on/after April, 1st 2021
Judge: Jena Williams

1st Place
Entry E
2nd Place
Entry F

3rd Place
Entry H

4th Place
Entry D
5th Place
Entry C
6th Place
Entry A
7th Place
Entry G

8th Place
Entry B
9th Place
Entry I
E places over F in general appearance being stronger of top line and more uphill from hip to wither
F places over H in body capacity being longer and deeper into the rear barrel
H places over D in dairy character for greater spring of rib
D places over C in general appearance with front legs more straight when viewed from the side
C places over A in Dairy character for greater spring of rib and longer barrel
A places over G in general appearance for strength of top line in the area of the back
G places over B in general appearance being cleaner through the knees when viewed from the front and in her turn stronger in top line and more uphill from hip to wither
B place is over I general appearance with front legs more straight when viewed from the side and in top line with neck blending more smoothly into shoulder
I is to be commended for her depth into rear barrel
Judge: April Hitch

1st Place
Entry E
2nd Place
Entry G

3rd Place
Entry F

4th Place
Entry H

5th Place
Entry D
6th Place
Entry C
7th Place
Entry I
8th Place
Entry A
8th Place
Entry B
Final Placings: E-G-F-H-D-C-I-A-B
E is going over G for her advantage in general appearance. She is a doe that is standing on a more correct set of legs, having more proper rear leg angulation from the side, as well as being more nearly level over her topline. E also excels H in body capacity, having more extension to her brisket and depth from her barrel, back into her flank.
G excels F in a closer placing, in general appearance, being longer over her topline, and well as being longer over her rump, particularly from her hips to pins.
F has the advantage over H in dairy strength, showing a longer neck and being slightly sharper at her withers. She also excels in general appearance, having a less tendency to hock in while standing and being more upstanding in the withers.
H is placing over D for general appearance, standing on a better set of legs, having more correct rear leg angulation and being tighter in her toes.
D excels C in general appearance, being more level over her topline and standing more uphill at her withers. She also has an advantage in body capacity, having more extension to her brisket and wider across the chest floor.
C is placing over I for her general appearance, being leveler over her topline and standing on a better set of feet and legs, having less tendency to hock in.
I excels A, for her advantage in body capacity, being deeper in her barrel, carrying back into her flank. She also excels in general appearance, being wider from thurl to thurl and standing with more width between her hocks.
A has the advantage over B, in general appearance, being more level over her topline and cleaner about her front knees. She will, however, yield to the rear leg set on B
B should be commended on her correct set of rear legs.
Entry A
Generation: 4
Entry B
Generation: 3
Entry C
Generation: 3
Entry D
Generation: 2

Entry E
Generation: 3
Entry F
Generation: 2

Entry G
Generation: 2

Entry H
Generation: 1

Entry I
Generation: 3